Join us in our mission to bring dignity, empowerment, and hope to women in Uganda

Women Transformed

Families Empowered

Villages Revitalized

Without intervention, women continue to be undervalued and marginalized, stripping them from the dignity and opportunities they deserve.

You understand the challenges women face and you want lasting change.

We recognize the resilience and potential in every woman. We are devoted to fostering profound transformation — far beyond temporary solutions.

Transformative Solutions:

  • Lifted Boxes: Each box we deliver is filled with more than just necessities; they are parcels of hope and dignity, enabling young women to face the world with confidence.

  • Family Sponsorship: Go beyond temporary fixes by providing consistent support that addresses education, healthcare, and sustainable living, creating pathways out of poverty.

  • Community Building: Invest in the fabric of entire villages, from infrastructure to education, fostering environments where women and families can flourish and lead their communities towards self-sufficiency.

“I love working with young mothers and speaking the word of God into their lives, showing them the love of the father, and helping them achieve their visions and goals in life.”

— Vicki Torach, Director of Lifted Women’s Ministry

3 Ways You Can Help:

  • Vicki standing on the right next to a woman holding a box of necessities.

    Provide a Box of Necessities

    Start by giving essential goods to support young women directly.

  • Tonya Noll holding a young baby next to the baby's mother in Jinja, Uganda.

    Sponsor a Woman and Her Family

    Commit to a monthly sponsorship, uplifting entire families.

  • Build a Village

    Removing women from unsafe conditions into thriving environments.

At the heart of our mission is the establishment of Lifted Women's Ministry, a dedicated NGO in Jinja, Uganda. Co-founded by Tonya Noll, Lifted Women's Ministry has developed a kingdom approach to supporting women. We do not see women we serve as helpless but as individuals brimming with God-given potential. We believe in the power of partnership and community by working closely with local leaders, organizations, and the women themselves. We ensure that our efforts are culturally sensitive, sustainable, and aligned with the needs of those we serve. Our ministry is not just about providing aid but about walking alongside these women as they journey toward a future filled with hope, dignity, and independence.

About Tonya Noll Ministries

We pledge to uphold transparency and accountability, guided by our values and your trust. Partnered with the Global Prophetic Alliance and governed by our dedicated Board, we ensure your contributions foster significant, ethical progress.